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How ERP can help in smoothing process

23% Average

reduction in operational costs

22% Average

reduction in administrative costs

24% Average

increase in Academic Performance

58% Average

increase in managing timetables flawlessly


of Schools are taking advantage of School ERP Per Year

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Features at Glance


Schools receive a lot of enquiries every day, particularly at the time of admission. Information like yearly event planning, class timetable, examination schedule, admission followup, employee attendance and important contact number should be available to school reception staff. School ERP comes with reception modules through which all this information can be quickly viewed.

Fee Collection

Fee Collection is an important part of account management. Student fees are often divided in multiple heads like admission fees, tuition fees, transport fees, exam fee etc. School ERP is the best suited solution for school fee collection.


Student admission management system by TAGLIENTE simplifies and streamlines the chaotic and time-consuming admission process. Manually managing the admission procedure is an overwhelming task for the school’s administrator, and sometimes this cumbersome process leads to human error. Using School ERP, schools can digitize the whole operation and improve the efficiency of the administrators.


Examination planning and result generation is another important activity for schools, often school administration finds it difficult and prone to error and it takes a lot of staff time. School ERP can make the examination process error free and flexible.

Human Resource

Handling the human resource department accurately in one of the most critical functions of every School. With the School ERP system, organizations can easily administer all the HR related processes without wasting much time and effort. Daily functions such as employees attendance calculation, leave management, payroll assignment, pay slips generation can quickly be taken care of with this system.

Online Test/Online Assessment

A seamless online examination conduction because exam management software can schedule, examination setup, customized reports fields selection, grade criteria setups, mark entries, publishing results online, and many more


Account module is a single place to manage fees and expenses related to school. The account module is designed for school’s where a single person is responsible for managing student fee and other account related requirements.


Transport management includes defining bus routes of student pick and drop, tracking bus location, assigning transport fee and vehicles maintenance, School ERP provide all essential features to manage school transport.


It automates and organizes the library operations and also helps in maintaining the book details present in the library. School ERP comes with a library management module, the staff can track the books' status, collect the fines, generate insightful reports to identify gaps and future needs. This electronic module improves the structure of the library and enhances the efficiency of the librarian.


Keeping record of student and staff attendance is another everyday task for school, this record is useful for both school administration and student’s parents. Using school ERP not only makes this task smooth and easy, it is also eco-friendly and saves additional overhead of maintaining multiple register/attendance logbooks.

Students/Parents Login

With a robust School ERP system, parents can keep a track on their wards academic progress, easily communicate with the teachers and discuss the strategies which can improve their child learning outcomes. The significant advantage, students can access information regarding their classes, teachers, and general schooling activities easily and at their fingertips in a timely fashion.


Delivering safety and comfort to the students is the primary responsibility of every school and college, and the School ERP module is the key to that. With this module, wardens can keep a bird’s eye view on the hostel activities, allow students to choose their room based on their preferences, and eliminate the staff workload and paper wastage.


School ERP comes with an Inventory Management Module which takes care of your institute’s purchase orders, goods’ invoices, in-house stock management, detailed asset reports, obsolete equipment tracking, and other asset tracking. This robust system minimizes the possibility of losing or theft of school expensive property, additionally makes the monitoring more convenient and accurate for the asset manager.


School ERP Report Module, admins can create multiple reports, easily access these reports from a centralized place, eliminate the paper-based activities, keep an eye on all ongoing events, quickly identify the problems and errors in the system and promptly make better decisions which improve the institute efficiency.

Mobile App

In the Era of smartphone, it becomes essential for ERP systems to provide useful information over mobile communication. Information like child attendance, report cards, and homework over the smartphone increase parents' trust in school administration. School ERP provides android apps for school teachers, principals, parents and directors.

Wondering How to save time, reduce your
workload and enhance Learning?

Now use one of the Top school management system "TAGLIENTE"
We are Loved by students, teachers & parents from India’s best schools, calling "TAGLIENTE" School ERP, "The Best School Management Software"

FAQTagliente ERP


School management software is a platform that helps in automating and streamlining the institute’s daily academic and administrative activities in the most effective manner. At its core, school management software holds all institute data in one place and helps stakeholders in making a better decision.


With School Software, institutes can avoid manual handling operations, eliminate the paperwork, reduce the possibility of errors in the process and minimize monotonous tasks of all departments. By embracing the right school management system software the workload of employees can be reduced and various tasks can be completed without consuming too much time & effort.


School ERP Platform is generally used by students, teachers, parents, admin and other staff members in the institution. It reduces the burden of repetitive tasks of employees, simplifies communication among all stakeholders and allows stakeholders to access up-to-date information from anywhere at any time on any device.


There are multiple ERP platforms available in the market and the costing of each platform depends on features and plugins selected by the institution - like SMS, Mobile App, Biometric, Vehicle Tracking System, Payment Gateway, Video conferencing integration, E-learning platform and more.


As long as you want! You only need to renew the contract every year and can use it for an indefinite time period.


Well, it never happens in so many years. We have a sound record of satisfactory clients.

Digitize your school and
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Everything at One Place

Explore everything that your institute needs only at Tagliente School ERP system.

State of the art Learning Management System

Provide an inspiring learning experience with enabling Digital interaction between students and teachers.